
Opening WRAP® course for peer counsellors at Stopstigma.cz

On 27th and 28th August the opening training course in formulating WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) was held for the peer counsellors involved in the project called ‘Creation of online multidisciplinary counselling centre and destigmatization web platform’. 

Centre presenting in the Third European Congress on Assertive Outreach

The representatives of the Centre for the Mental Health Care development took part in the rich programme of the Third European Congress on Assertive Outreach in Oslo from 24th to 26th June.

Centre presenting in CARe Europe conference in Prague

On 17th and 18th May 2015 Prague hosted the Third CARe Europe conference (thecareeurope.com). CARe is a European network promoting recovery and social integration. It associates mental health care organizations in 17 countries of Europe. 

Article on peer involvement in the Czech Republic in the latest WARP Bulletin

An article on peer programmes in the Czech Republic by Pavel Říčan, Zuzana Foitová and Jan Stuchlík has been published in the latest issue of the WAPR (World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation) Bulletin (p. 25f). 
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