IPS Platform and Statistics in the Czech Republic 06.09.2023

IPS Platform and Statistics in the Czech Republic

The Centre for Mental Health Care Development has been participating and actively involved in the organisation of IPS Platform meetings since 2018. We also covers data collection and evaluation for IPS statistics.
Let´s Talk about Children 26.08.2023

Let´s Talk about Children

The Centre of Mental Health Care Development is a partner in a three-year project funded by the EU4Health programme which will focus on training mental health professionals in the Let's Talk about Children method and its integration into practice in the Czech Republic and eight other European countries.
Safety in psychiatric care 14.12.2022

Safety in psychiatric care

We will soon conclude the first year of the project Education for Improving the Human Rights of People with Mental Health Issues which aimed to strengthen a supportive and safe environment and to prevent and manage conflict in psychiatric care units.
Support of peer work in Georgia 12.12.2022

Support of peer work in Georgia

In cooperation with the Georgian organization Partnership for equal rights (PER), we started a project that will enable the training of 14 peer workers, including a short internship in local community services and psychiatric hospitals. Also, a standard will be created to anchor and describe the role of peer worker in the mental health care system, and methodological support will be provided to care providers and other professionals on how to successfully integrate peer workers into teams.
An online Opening meeting was held in early December, attended by representatives of Georgian community services, psychiatric hospitals, people with personal experience of mental issue and Recovery, the Ministry of Health of Georgia, the Embassy of Georgia, and the United Nations Development Program.

The Project „Support of peer work in Georgia“ is implemented through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals between the Czech Republic and the United Nations Development Programme.
Supporting people with mental health issues as they return from hospitalisation back into the community 22.08.2022

Supporting people with mental health issues as they return from hospitalisation back into the community

In July, a meeting was held in Prague with partners from the Estonian Recovery College and the Croatian association Susret. As part of the Erasmus+ funded project Education and empowerment for transition to community, we are jointly developing a training aimed at supporting people with mental health issues to return to the community from hospitalisation.
In addition to working together to develop the training, which will be piloted in the coming months in collaboration with a specific psychiatric hospital in all three countries, we also visited with our foreign colleagues the Peer Club at Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital and learned about community services of organisation Bona.
Looking back at the seminar 08.02.2020

Looking back at the seminar "Involvement of peer support workers to care in psychiatric acute wards"

In November 2019, we invited Norwegian mental health experts to attend a seminar on the topic of involving peer consultants in acute inpatient psychiatric care settings. What was the seminar like and what are the challenges and added value for involving peer support workers in acute care in the Czech Republic?

Annual report 2016

We prepare Annual report 2016 in Czech and English.

Annual report 2015

We dare to point out that our Annual report 2015 was published.

Short article in international network Promise.global Project 52

We released short article about one of our innovations. PROMISE.global agreed to publish some of our experiences with involvement of peer specialists into internet consultancy service Stopstigma.cz in framework of  PROJECT 52 which aims to capture and collate ideas and innovations at the frontline and learn from each others successes and struggles.

Centre to help in Moldova

In partnership with the NGOs People in Need, Centre for Transformation Support and Keystone Human Services Moldova, the Centre for Mental Health Care Development has won a public tender issued by the Czech Development Agency to support transformation in Moldova. 
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